Robert L. Hurley is a graduate of Abilene Christian University. He majored in Business and minored in the Bible. This interest in the Bible and church history was kindled and became a lifelong study. For many years he has been a student of the Protestant and Catholic histories. This included the early Apostolic church ("Great Church") which existed from Pentecost (after Christ's resurrection) until approximately 400 AD. The author has had a blessed military, business, and government career which culminated in serving as the sitting County Judge for Atascosa County, Texas. He retired from Atascosa County in 2022. He is blessed to have a wonderful wife who puts up with him, and very special children, grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. In retirement, he finally has the time to write the book that has been on his heart for many years which addresses the mess mankind has made out of Christ's Church.